This notebook primarily intended as a quick reference for working with PDFs in Python, to be expanded over time. The structure and much of the content is based on following this tutorial in the PyMuPDF docs.



# !pip install PyMuPDF

Import (fitz) & Version Info

import fitz
PyMuPDF 1.17.0: Python bindings for the MuPDF 1.17.0 library.
Version date: 2020-05-13 20:05:13.
Built for Python 3.7 on linux (64-bit).

Working with Documents

Open Document

First, download a document to work with. Note the use of joblib to cache the response, which saves us time on reloading the notebook and also is nice by not hitting the server again):

from joblib import Memory
from pathlib import Path
# !pip install requests
import requests

path = Path('.')
CACHE_DIR =  path / '.jupyter_cache'
memory = Memory(CACHE_DIR, verbose=0)

def download(url, dst):
    response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
    with open(dst, 'wb') as f:

url = ''
fn = path / 'example.pdf'

download(url, fn)

doc =

Close Document

# doc.close()

Read Meta Data

doc.pageCount, doc.metadata, doc.getToC()
 {'format': 'PDF 1.5',
  'title': None,
  'author': None,
  'subject': None,
  'keywords': None,
  'creator': 'TeX',
  'producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.16',
  'creationDate': 'D:20160726031438Z',
  'modDate': 'D:20160726031438Z',
  'encryption': None},

Working with Pages

Read Pages

# index by page numer
page_no = 0
page = doc[page_no]

page 0 of example.pdf
# iterate over pages
for page in doc:

# slice over pages
for page in doc.pages(2,6):

Inspect a Page

# all links in one page
links = page.getLinks()

# iterator over links
for link in page.links():


annotations & form fields

# iterate over annotations
for annot in page.annots():

# iterate over form fields
for field in page.widgets():

Convert Page to Image

pix is a Pixmap object which (in this case) contains an RGB image of the page, ready to be used for many purposes. Method Page.getPixmap() offers lots of variations for controlling the image: resolution, colorspace (e.g. to produce a grayscale image or an image with a subtractive color scheme), transparency, rotation, mirroring, shifting, shearing, etc. For example: to create an RGBA image (i.e. containing an alpha channel), specify pix = page.getPixmap(alpha=True).

Choose Resolution

# default (poor resolution causes text in example.pdf to be barely readable)
# file size: 120 kB
pix = page.getPixmap()

# 2x default resolution (text is clear, image text still hard to read)
# file size: 328 kB
zoom_xy = (2., 2.)
mat = fitz.Matrix(*zoom_xy)
pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=mat)  # use 'mat' instead of the identity matrix

# 4x default resolution (image text is barely readable)
# file size: 691 kB
zoom_xy = (4., 4.)
mat = fitz.Matrix(*zoom_xy)
pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=mat)  # use 'mat' instead of the identity matrix

# 8x default resolution (image text is pretty clear but still not perfect)
# file size: 1.4 MB
zoom_xy = (8., 8.)
mat = fitz.Matrix(*zoom_xy)
pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=mat)  # use 'mat' instead of the identity matrix

Save Page as PNG

dst = fn.parent / f'{fn.stem}_page-{page.number}.png'


Open page with Pillow

from PIL import Image

mode = "RGBA" if pix.alpha else "RGB"
img = Image.frombytes(mode, [pix.width, pix.height], pix.samples)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Extract Text & Images

Use one of the following strings for opt to obtain different formats [2]:

“text”: (default) plain text with line breaks. No formatting, no text position details, no images.
“blocks”: generate a list of text blocks (= paragraphs).
“words”: generate a list of words (strings not containing spaces).
“html”: creates a full visual version of the page including any images. This can be displayed with your internet browser.
“dict” / “json”: same information level as HTML, but provided as a Python dictionary or resp. JSON string. See TextPage.extractDICT() resp. TextPage.extractJSON() for details of its structure.
“rawdict”: a super-set of TextPage.extractDICT(). It additionally provides character detail information like XML. See TextPage.extractRAWDICT() for details of its structure.
“xhtml”: text information level as the TEXT version but includes images. Can also be displayed by internet browsers.
“xml”: contains no images, but full position and font information down to each single text character. Use an XML module to interpret.

To get an idea about the output of these alternatives, see Appendix 2: Details on Text Extraction.

text_options = {
    'text', 'blocks', 'words', 'html', 
    'dict', 'json', 'rawDict', 'xhtml', 'xml'}

opt = 'text'

text = page.getText(opt)

'6\nNoah Siegel, Zachary Horvitz, Roie Levin, Santosh Divvala, and Ali Farhadi\nFig. 3: Our figure analyzer first parses the figure axes, then the legend contents, and\nfinally extracts and associates the plotted data to their legend entries.\na straight line (representing the axis tick labels). More specifically, the y-axis (or\nx-axis) is determined by detecting the largest number of (numeric) text boxes\nthat all share a common x (or y) pixel coordinate, breaking ties by choosing the\nleftmost qualifying x (or y) coordinate.\nEach axis is almost always associated with a textual label that helps towards\nthe interpretation of the graphical plot (e.g., the label ‘Precision’ for y-axis\nin figure. 3). Given the common convention of placing the axis label in the\nimmediate vicinity of the axis-tick labels, we detect the y-axis label by identifying\nthe rightmost textbox to the left of the y-axis tick labels, and the x-axis label\nby finding the highest textbox below the x-axis tick labels.\nWhile most plots use a linear axis scale, it is not uncommon for figures to\nhave a logarithmic scale. Therefore we determine the axis scale (linear, logarith-\nmic) by fitting separate regressors [27] (linear and exponential link functions) to\nmodel the data values, and then pick the model with the lowest deviance under\na threshold. The regressors map the axis tick label values to their corresponding\npixel coordinate values. These models are in turn used for transforming all the\nplotted data from their pixel-coordinate scale to their data-coordinate scale.\nParsing Legend Graphical plots always use a legend as a guide to the symbols\nused when plotting multiple variables. Typically the legend has entries consisting\nof (label, symbol) pairs, where the labels are the variable names (e.g., ‘classifier\nonly’ in figure. 3) and the symbols give an example of its appearance. As high-\nlighted in section. 1, there is huge variation in the placement and format of\nlegends across figures. Legend entries may either be arranged vertically, horizon-\ntally, or in a rectangle, and they may be found either outside the plot area or\nanywhere inside (see illustration in supplementary). Further, the legend symbols\nmay be placed either to the right or left of the legend labels, and may have vary-\ning lengths with spaces (e.g. the dashed symbol for ‘classifier only’ in figure. 3).\nTo address this challenge, our legend parser first identifies the legend labels, and\nthen locates their corresponding symbols.\nWe pose the problem of legend label identification as a text classification\nproblem, i.e., given a text box within the figure, is it a legend label or not? For\nclassification, we use a random-forest classifier [28] with each textbox represented\nusing a six-dimensional feature f = {tx, ty, tl, tn, t#v, t#h}, where tx, ty refer to\nthe normalized x, y center coordinates of the text box, tl is the text string length,\ntn is a Boolean indicating the text string to be numeric or not, and t#v, t#h\ndenote the number of other vertically and horizontally aligned textboxes.\n'

Search for Text

rectangles = page.searchFor('We', hit_max = 16)

[Rect(211.26063537597656, 224.10699462890625, 222.6080322265625, 234.06959533691406),
 Rect(187.97801208496094, 273.7499694824219, 199.31546020507812, 283.71258544921875),
 Rect(291.99755859375, 297.3489685058594, 303.3349914550781, 307.31158447265625),
 Rect(48.959983825683594, 502.8319396972656, 62.79803466796875, 512.7945556640625),
 Rect(94.06057739257812, 526.4309692382812, 105.39801788330078, 536.3935546875)]

More Features...

  • PDF Maintenance: can only modify in PDF format, first convert to PDF using doc.convertToPDF(), after modifying, save to disk with
  • Join & Split PDF documents
  • Modify, Create, Re-arrange & Delete PDF pages
  • Embed arbitrary data (similar to ZIP files)